Red Hot!

Not only are these ::Gabriel:: vests red hot, so is the lucky chair that dispenses them. Both long and short versions are in the prize pack. If you've been reading "The Blog" (as my friend calls it) you remember the great red jackets that tied around your waist. Well these are the wearable versions that will keep you both stylish and warm through the winter.
And if you are into Teddies, you can get a susersized one to hold with its own jacket. It is on a board near the chair. The Teddy Bear prize as well as the other boards sprinkled around the area are KDC Mall boards. You will need to join the group for those. The vest chair is PUBLIC. Woot!
I'm not sure I've ever been in a chair watch where the region was full. But this one was. A "D" came up not long after I arrived and Divine was in world (be still my beating heart) so I tried to get her over. Couldn't do it as the region was full. Eventually the TP worked. Yeah!.
The chair is HERE, but you will need to navigate to this point. Look on the map for all the green dots or follow the coordinates.
As an aside, I've never used a scanner HUD, but know many people that do. A handy feature of the Greenlife Emerald viewer is an avatar list. It is sortable so you can see how many people are in a watch and which letters are most represented. Generally I leave if there are a bunch of "C" folks. This is much, much easier than turning on names and scanning the crowd.
Get over there and score these jackets.