
By now I imagine you have heard the sad tale of copybots in the Rebel Hope sims. We were encouraged by a blogger sister to highlight some of the wonderful work of Rebel Hope. I knew that Sami had been a long time fan, so I invited her over. She wore a vintage gown which still looks lovely. This was in a time before sculpties; Sami will be celebrating three years next week. Congrats hon!
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Since it is her gown and her story, I'll let her tell it:
I'd met a king. I was so excited. I was fairly new to SL then and didn't really get that anyone could be a king, all you needed was an outfit and a castle. Naive or not, I needed a ball gown fit for a royal gathering. There was really only one place to go back then, Rebel Hope. I found this lovely gown and fell in love with it. It was dauntingly expensive for my meager budget, but I splurged and never regretted.
I was lovely at the ball even if that is only my memory. I had many compliments -- even from the king. I wore the gown many places for many months before abandoning my dancing days and getting to work.
It was a pleasure to take the gown out of mothballs and revisit those times. I don't know Rebel Hope, but I have always admired her. So this small tribute is for her.

Sami is wearing the new gift skin from Amacci. Hair from Calico Ingmann. Her bird friend is a coal tit from Spiky-Haired Dragon.