Onyx and Copper

If you are a fan of Tuli's Hope skins, you'll be glad to know there is a new picks gift out at the shop, Hope in Onyx. The deep kohl eyes and dewy peach lips are both innocent and beguiling. I chose a Mehndi tattoo in faded henna and some exotic new hair in copper to compliment the skin's glow. Who needs clothes?

The bands in the hair are click color change to white, gray (shown) and black.
If you simply must have this new version of Hope (and why NOT?) add Tuli's shop to your picks, wait a day or so and then click the rewards poster on the easel near the front of the store. Five skin tones are included as well as different brow colors.
And for those of you who LEFT Tuli in your picks? Well you get to be some of the first with the new skin. Works for me *wink*.
Skin: Hope Onyx by Tuli
Tattoo: MEHNDI 3 from CyberStar BodyArt
Hair: : Burning Chrome : Mezzanine (Copper)
Pose: *EverGlow* and Tuli.