The Power of Darkness

Darkness lies in the corners of each soul -- without it there can be no light.

We claim it in totality ---

Or we offer it to others --

And in that decision we choose who has the power in our lives -- in our world.
Visit the Ballroom at Imagine Plus>>
Style Notes:
Hair: .:[ Tiny Bird ]:. Kissy Kissy - Stein Silver
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Hope (goth) 03
Clothing: hO wEAr Mystic of the Realm (parts of a complete outfit)
Shoes: BAX Prestige in black
Accessories: NLA
Some items may be gifts, prizes or simply no longer available. If you are having trouble locating a particular item, feel free to send me a message in world or add comment here on the blog and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Download my Windlight settings for this locale HERE.
Backstory: Imagine plus is home to several art installations including the huge (HUGE) lady that some of you may have seen in the feeds and photo groups. This castle floats at 4000 meters, but you can easily TP down to the entry area and explore further. I'll be doing just that sometime in the near future.