Fall Trends: Layered Grays

I'm a big believer in personal style. If someone feel good in the outfit they have put together, then it is "in style" as far as I'm concerned. I have never followed trends much in real life or at Phil's Place, but I thought it might be fun to bring some of the fashion designer's looks for Fall into my little corner of our virtual world. No new items were purchased for any of the upcoming looks; I simply delved deep into the recesses of my closets and drawers to see what I might already have.
My first RL trend is -- layered grays and blacks.
I love neutrals so this was a perfect starting place. I worked in a few OTHER trends however such as bondage boots (over the knee stilettos - usually black) and ripped fishnets and fur (I'll call mine faux if you please).

The aim of the look as I have gleaned from the fashion sites is somewhere between ladylike and bad girl. Perhaps you really can't decide who you are or what you want to be. Perhaps you are both *wink*.

My wardrobe choices for this look include:
Schadenfreude Cropped Grey Fur coat (an antique)
[NOP] -Longsleeves Gray for men
Dark Mouse Tarnished Gold & Onyx Earring and necklace (this month's group gift)
*DivaLicious* Black Keys Hunt mini skirt
~*~Smashin Fashion torn fishnet socks
BAX Prestige Boots Black
Poses by LAP and Torridwear
Hair by Tiny Bird
Skin by Tuli