Plums, Pinks and Violets

I am a big fan of all things in the family purple. Modd G. release a lot of new goodies today and you have likely seen many of them already *wink*. This Zoey Runched Offshoulder top is my personal favorite. It comes in a rainbow of colors including pink (shown) and purple (more of a violet color). And yes, it does come in gray. The shine is just as lovely in the daylight, but maybe not quite so romantic :D.
With all layers included, this is a wonderful piece for those very popular multi-layered outfits. Add a tank as an undershirt, a jacket over the tucked in version. So many choices!
I paired it with some new Black Leaf Jeans from CS Fandango. I've been featuring CS Fandango for ages it seems, but Renee found this great set. You can see the complete outfit here. The silver belt and earrings are also from the gift pack. I love the scarf too. Even though it didn't work with this styling, I'm sure you'll be seeing it soon. Be sure and stop by the main store if you haven't visited lately. Many wonderful things make their home in Fandango. Note to self: Go by main store soon :D.
Boots by BAX. Hair by Tiny Bird. Skin by Tuli. Poses by LAP.

Benicia is wearing the new group gift from ::C'est la vie !:. The sweet flower dress has prim sleeves and ruffles and the prettiest blue flower print. Black lace adds a romantic effect and takes this out of the little girl realm. It looks pretty spectacular sans skirt too --j ust in case you want to go a bit wild. Add some socks and boots and a carry everything tote? You would have a completely different look.
Shoes by PRISM (NLA), Skin by Tuli, Hair by Glitter, Pose by LAP.