
While there is a tiny bit of fashion in this post, the story is more about awe. I've been hunting today in several hunts. My favorite find so far was this cardigan from the SOS hunt (scroll to the bottom for more info). Eventually I returned to the STEAM hunt, simply because I enjoyed some of the shops just as much as the prizes. I haven't opened my bounty yet, but I promise too soon. And yes, of course I will share my favorites. Meanwhile I had to stop and tell you about this skybox simulator I discovered. It pretty much took my breath away.
Not only does it look cool from the outside as well as inside, it has a particle generator built in. Seating rezzes (and rotates) magically on command and lovely new age meditation music is supplied. There are three versions of the simulators and I am showing you just one. You have choices of galaxies to explore with an easy to use menu. The prim count is reasonable (amazingly so) and while I couldn't find the dimensions, I'm guessing that it would fit on a 1024 lot. [Edit: skyboxes are 27 x 27 meters so my guess was a good one.]
I'd already found the gear for the hunt when I took the trip on the teleporter to see what the skybox looked like. I had NO idea what a wonderful time I would have. You can be sure you will be seeing this locale again in upcoming posts.

You can find this fun clock as the prize in the Quaint & Curious Contraptions shop, home to the skybox simulator. Use the teleporter to get to the simulator or use my direct LM here. [Edit: Sorry earlier LMs were incorrect. Tested now.]
Late night note: this was NOT the prize but the BOX the prize came in. Do I feel dumb or what? See this post about the real prize.
I would like to thank Athena Loring of [Miseria] for having such a lovely gift on the SOS hunt. I did my hunting in style this afternoon. Love the cute sleeve extensions, the cut and the color. Find the ice cream cone; get the sweater -- you fashionistas.
Pose by {flowery}.