Skins and Tats

Skin and tattoos this morning. See, I knew those plasters would come in handy. Dutch Touch sent out a skin gift to SOM folks this morning and it is a beauty. It fit the tough girl theme of the day even before I unpacked my new tattoos. The texture is dewy and creamy, the look sophisticated and somewhat haunted -- at least on me.
The ears are especially nice, and great for showing off earrings like the silver and black jeweled hoops from Gems & Kisses (free at the Jewelry Fair). A white version is included in the pack.

The tattoos are unisex Harley themed from CyberStar BodyArt Tattoos. I ran across them on my wanderings last eve, slapped the Midnight board which was almost full and they arrived this morning. There are a few slots left on today's board if you hurry. I'm guessing there will be a reset, so watch carefully.

My sculpted jean skirt is by Maitreya, boots by BAX, Hair by Exile.
Poses by Striking Poses and LAP.