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Tranquility: Reader Review

Sasha sent me this cute picture and her thoughts on the Isle of Tranquility Hunt. Her great looking dress here is from *amerie's NAUGHTY* MainShop -- Isle of Tranquility 43/145/26 which might be a good starting place.

There is a board in the courtyard of the complex that shows you all the prizes. Sasha reports that they are all good and that the earrings she is wearing but that you can't see here from +*Atelier AM*+ are especially lovely.

Here are her hints on this challenging hunt.
The apples are in PILES and change color depending on the store. So there are like five apples in piles that are silver or green or gold. The apples themselves are SMALL (like crab apples) and I was looking for something larger at first. Once you find one it is easier. I didn't see a "sample - this is what you are looking for" anywhere near the explanation board; that would have been helpful.
All but one apple pile is in the shop it goes with. One is in the canal area (that isn't a big hint as there are a lot of canals). Several people have reported that the apples weren't visible for them early yesterday. Not sure what that was about but they were OK for me late Tuesday night.
The prizes are all lovely and while I have no idea what I might do with a clothes washing line, it is SO cute! So I put it in the photo.

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