New releases from PixelDolls meld femininity with country flair for a distinctive look. A wide range of neutral colors and a variety of patterns let you pick your favorites. Each set comes with at least two strap colors. I chose the white leaf set with the black accents. Prarie is the name -- for both script free and modifyable (yeah) boots and tops. A mini dress making skirt attachment comes in the clothing portion of the release, so more ladylike gals can opt for bare legs if they like.
Me? Well you know I almost always pick the pants versions *wink*. With plenty of layers and a manual mod prim bodice, styling is a simple affair. I added black Ziggy leggings from Sn@tch (new release) and some black and white stacked bangles and I was set; my oversized glasses the final touch.
My poses are all from Amacci and many from the new release sets just out.
Click on the collage for a large, high rez version.
Style Notes:
Hair: A&A Cookie Hair 1
Skin: [:T:] Zoe / sunkissed / lips :: Terra
Clothing: (Romance) Prarie . Leaf; :::Sn@tch Ziggy Leggings (Black-P):::
Shoes: (Romance) Prarie Boot . Leaf . Black Straps
Accessories: OOPs bangles; DECO - Swank Glasses - Licorice
Poses by:Amacci